Building & Construction Technology MCQs, Mason Civil Trade theory Test Practice

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Q#1 In clay soil
(A) Swelling and shrinkage characteristics prevail
(B) Consolidation continues even after several years of construction
(C) Differential settlement is generally prevalent
(D) All the above
Ans: D

Q#2. Dutch bond is a modification of
(A) English bond
(B) Stretcher bond
(C) Header bond
(D) Single Flemish bond
Ans: A

Q#3. The type of footing which is used to transmit heavy loads through steel columns is
(A) Raft foundation
(B) Grillage foundation
(C) Well foundation
(D) Isolated footing

Q#4. The X-ray rooms are plastered with
(A) Plaster of Paris
(B) Barium plaster
(C) Martin’s cement
(D) Keen’s cement
Ans: B

Q#5 According to National Building Code, the hydrants in water mains is provided at minimum interval of
(A) 50 m
(B) 60 m
(C) 75 m
(D) 90 m

Q#6 Raft foundation are generally preferred to when the area required for individual footing, is more than
(A) 25% to total area
(B) 30% of total area
(C) 40% to total area
(D) 50% of total area

Q#7 In any good staircase, the maximum and minimum pitch respectively should be
(A) 90° and 0°
(B) 75° and 30°
(C) 60° and 10°
(D) 40° and 25°

Q#8 Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) Isolated footing is provided under column to transfer the load safely to soil bed
(B) Column footings may have steps or projections in the concrete base
(C) Heavily loaded column base must be provided steel reinforcement in both directions
(D) All the above

Q#9 The pile provided with one or more bulles in its vertical shaft, is generally known as
(A) Under-ream pile
(B) Friction pile
(C) Bearing pile
(D) Sheet pile
Ans: A

Q#10 The Auger borings are not common
(A) In soils that require lateral support
(B) In cohesive soils
(C) In soft soils
(D) None of the above
Ans: A

Q#11 The function of cleats in a roof truss is
(A) To support the common rafter
(B) To support purlins
(C) To prevent the purlins from tilting
(D) All of the above

Q#12 In high mountainous region, the type of roof generally recommended for buildings, is
(A) Shed type
(B) Gable type
(C) Gambrel type
(D) Mansard type

Q#13 If a is the offset of concrete bed in cms, and d is the depth of concrete bed in cms, then
(A) d = 0.445 a
(B) d = 0.557 a
(C) d = 0.775 a
(D) None of these
Ans. C

Q#14 A wooden block hinged on post outside a door, is known
(A) Cleat
(B) Stop
(C) Horn
(D) None of these

Q#15 Pitched and sloping roofs are suitable for
(A) Coastal regions
(B) Plain regions
(C) Covering large areas
(D) All of the above

Q#16 A wall constructed to resist the pressure of an earth filling, is called
(A) Retaining wall
(B) Breast wall
(C) Buttress
(D) Parapet wall

Q#17 Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) The pile driven in sand is called sand pile
(B) The drilled hole filled with sand is called sand pile
(C) The sand piles are used for bearing purposes
(D) None of these

Q#18 Depth or height of the arch is the
(A) Perpendicular distance between intrados and extrados
(B) Vertical distance between springing line and intrados
(C) Perpendicular distance between springing line and extrados

Q#19 A stair should not have pitch more than
(A) 25°
(B) 30°
(C) 40°
(D) 50°

Q#20 A floor constructed with the 4 to 6 mm marble chips, is known
(A) Reinforced marble floor
(B) Terrazzo floor
(C) Marble floor
(D) Chip floor

Q#21 The position of a brick when laid on its side 9 cm × 9 cm with its frog in the vertical plane, is called
(A) Brick on edge
(B) Brick on end
(C) Brick on bed
(D) Brick held vertically

Q#22 The bearing capacity of a water logged soil can be improved by
(A) Compacting the soil
(B) Draining the soil
(C) Increasing the depth of foundation
(D) Grouting

Q#23 Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) Plain cement concrete is equally strong in compression as well as in tension
(B) Slump test is performed to check concrete strength
(C) Curing of concrete is done for proper compaction of cement
(D) Fineness modulus is the index number expressing the relative sizes of both coarse and fine aggregates

Q#24 For each storey of a building, the depth of exploration should be
(A) 1 metre
(B) 2 metres
(C) 3 metres
(D) 4 metres

Q#25 The foundation which consists of a thick reinforced cement slab covering whole area to support heavy concentrated structural loads, is known as
(A) Combined footing
(B) Strap footing
(C) Raft footing
(D) None of these
Ans: C

Q#26 The maximum total settlement for isolated foundations on clayey soils should be limited to
(A) 25 mm
(B) 40 mm
(C) 65 mm
(D) 100 mm

Q#27 The wedge shaped bricks forming an arch ring, are called
(A) Soffits
(B) Voussoirs
(C) Haunches
(D) Spandrils

Q #28 The type of pointing in which upper side of mortar joints is kept about 12 mm inside the face of
the masonry and bottom is kept flushed with face of wall, is
(A) Truck pointing
(B) Recessed pointing
(C) Struck pointing

Q#29 To obtain good bonding in brick masonry
(A) First class bricks are used
(B) Vertical joints in alternate courses are kept in plumb line
(C) Bats are used where necessary
(D) All the above

Q#30 As compared to stretcher course, the thickness of joints in header course should be
(A) Less
(B) More
(C) Equal
(D) Equal or more

Q#31 The minimum strength of the mortar used in load bearing brick masonry, is
(A) 50 N/cm2
(B) 100 N/cm2
(C) 150 N/cm2
(D) 200 N/cm2

Q#32 In soils possessing low bearing capacity, the type of foundation generally provided, is
(A) Column footing
(B) Grillage footing
(C) Raft footing
(D) All the above

Q#33 The columns of multi-story buildings are designed to withstand the forces due to
(A) Dead loads
(B) Live loads
(C) Wind loads
(D) All of these
Ans: D

Q#34 The number of steps in a flight generally should not be less than
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 5
(D) No limit
Ans: B

Q#35 The service area in a building means the area occupied by
(A) Stairs
(B) Toilets
(C) Light and shafts
(D) All the above
Ans: D

Q#36 Open test pit is only suitable upto a depth of
(A) 2 metres
(B) 2.5 metres
(C) 3 metres
(D) None of the above

Q#37 For different layers of cement concrete floor. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:
(A) The lowest layer consists of consolidated ground
(B) A 10 cm thick clean sand is laid on consolidated ground
(C) A 10 cm lime concrete (1 : 4 : 8) is laid on clean sand
(D) A 10 cm thick cement concrete (1 : 2 : 4) is laid on top layer

Q#38 Higher pitch of the roof
(i) Results in stronger roof
(ii) Results in weaker roof
(iii) Requires more covering material
(iv) Requires less covering material
The correct answer is
(A) (i) and (iii)
(B) (i) and (iv)
(C) (ii) and (iii)
(D) (ii) and (iv)

Q#39 A wall constructed with stones to protect slopes of cuttings in natural ground from the action of weathering agents, is called
(A) Retaining wall
(B) Breast wall
(C) Buttress
(D) Parapet wall

Q#40 Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) D.P.C. should be continuous
(B) D.P.C. should be of good impervious material
(C) D.P.C. may be horizontal or vertical
(D) All the above

Q#41 The inclined surface of an abutment to receive the arch, is known as
(A) Skew back
(B) Soffit
(C) Spandril
(D) Haunch
Ans: A

Q#42 The type of roof which slopes in two directions with a break in the slope on each side is known as
(A) Gable roof
(B) Hip roof
(C) Gambrel roof
(D) Mansard roof

Q#43 Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) A mortar joint having a concave finishing in brick masonry, is called keyed joint
(B) A mortar joint projecting beyond the face of a masonry wall, is called tucked joint
(C) A mortar joint having a recess in it, is called ruled joint
(D) All the above

Q#44 The pile which supports the load due to friction between pile face and surrounding soil, is generally known as
(A) Bearing pile
(B) Friction pile
(C) Sheet pile
(D) Battered pile
Ans: B

Q#45 The platform at the end of a series of steps, is known as
(A) Platform
(B) Relief
(C) Rest
(D) Landing

Q#46 The type of arch generally constructed over a wooden lintel or over a flat arch for the purpose of carrying the load of the wall above is
(A) Segmental arch
(B) Pointed arch
(C) Relieving arch
(D) Flat arch

Q#47 The process of filling hollow spaces of walls before plastering, is known
(A) Hacking
(B) Dubbing out
(C) Blistering
(D) Peeling

Q#48 The form work from the slabs excluding props, can be removed only after
(A) 1 day
(B) 4 days
(C) 7 days
(D) 14 days

Q#49 Cast iron piles
(A) Are suitable for works under sea water
(B) Resist shocks or vibrations
(C) Are suitable for use as batter piles
(D) Are useful for heavy vertical loads
Ans. D

Q#50 Which one of the following activities is not correct as applicable to brick corbels?
(A) The maximum projection of the corbel should not be more than the thickness of the wall
(B) The maximum projection of each corbel course should be limited to a quarter brick at a time
(C) The discontinuous corbels are used to carry heavy concentrated loads
(D) Stretcher bond is generally used for the construction of brick corbel
Ans: D

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